Blessed Mother


If I have a monument in the world, it is my son. ~Maya Angelou

Day 1

For day one I thought it would be appropriate to catch Thomas waking up. Being a teenager he does not wake up well. Even worse when there is a camera shoved in his face. 15 minutes of wrestling was spent trying to get the covers off his face. I must have taken 20 pictures of sheets & blankets. Not a great picture composition wise but it's a genuine smile.

Thomas in 365 days

I was presented with a challenge tonight. My friend and co-worker asked for people to join her in taking a picture a day for a year. I'm not much of a photographer but I love taking pictures and my favorite subject is, of course, my son.

Time is flying by. It is still crystal clear in my mind holding him in my arms as an infant. Now he's almost 15 and days away from finishing his freshman year in high school. In a blink of an eye he'll be off to college. This challenge/blog will be a reminder to appreciate every day I have with him.

So, here goes! 365 days of photographs.